“come from away”...

Latvia and Long Island

In the spring of 2010 flights across the Atlantic were disrupted because of volcanic activity in Iceland that made flying dangerous.  At this time a group of Friendship Force members from a Latvian club were stuck at Kennedy Airport unable to return home because of the travel ban.
One of the members notified the Atlanta office of FF and they in turn called me as I was on the executive board of the NYLI Club. I don’t remember the exact words but it was something to the effect of’ “can your club house and feed some stranded members of a Latvian FF club until they can get a flight home.”
I said, “of course, send them out.” While at the same time I’m thinking; “how am I supposed to find room & board for 5 people that I don’t know for an indefinite amount of time.”
Not to worry, I called other Club members and they were all too willing to provide temporary housing for our surprise guests. Three of the women were named, “ Ingrida” which made name recognition easy and they were a pleasant fun loving group of people. On their last night with us they treated us to a Latvian style dinner which they planned and prepared for their hungry and grateful hosts.  It consisted of chicken ,potatoes and vegetables with lots of butter & heavy cream. The dessert was spectacular; bananas flambé. They even invited us back to Latvia; which we gratefully accepted. The next year a group of our Club members reunited with our Latvian friends back on their home turf.  We had a wonderful time! It was all in the spirit of “Friendship Force.”A chance encounter, brought on by a geological event, with memories and friendships to last a lifetime!

Kathy Daly